25 Fresh African Podcasts - April 2022 - Multilingual Africa
A selection of new episodes to load to your favourite podcast app and enjoy!
Multilingual Africa: African Podcasts In Many African Languages
April 2022 brings us podcasts in Setswana, Arabic, French, Portuguese and more
Ranging in topic from personal development, to politics, history and society, and entrepreneurship, these podcasts open up podcast listeners across Africa to the unique perspectives of their creators.
African podcasts can be found on many podcast platforms. You can discover these podcasts, and connect directly with their creators by discovering the African Podcast Database.
a) Guardians of the River podcast
2021 Best Narrative Nonfiction Podcast Award winner at Tribeca Film Festival. This is the story of the guardians of the Okavango water system. These guardians have a monumental task: safeguard a remote, near pristine environment facing threats from all sides. This podcast follows what happens when worlds connect, and at times collide, with the common goal of protecting a place
Latest episode: This episode takes us to the Okavango Delta with On the Edge of Home (Setswana) Okavango Delta ke sekao sa gore go ka nna jang ha batho ba tsaa tsia dikhumo tsa tholego. Le thokometswe ka fa molaong ke legotla la UNESCO. It’s the world’s 1,000th UNESCO World Heritage site. Ke naga e tletseng diphologolo ka mehuta, jaanong seo se dira gore e nne sekgantshwane sa Bojanala lehatshe ka bophara. Mme gase banni bothe ba akolang katlego ya Okavango. Re simolola ka go utwa ka botshelo ja bogologolo go santse go tsomiwa dikubu, mme re tsenelela mo kgang ya gore, ke eng sese dirang gore lefelo e nne legae la batho? Ebile ke mang yoo tshwanetseng go boelwa ha naga dira dipoelo?
b) Rihamiat Podcast (Arabic)
تمكين المرأة الناطقة باللغة العربية حول العالم.
Empowering Arabic-speaking women all over the world
Latest Episode: 22 GPS: Self Talk I - الحديث الداخلي ج١
حلقة يوم المرأة العالمي عن موضوع يهم كل تاء مبسوطة سالمة
فيديو من الكورس المجاني: تاء مبسوطة سالمة
c) l’ecoute De l’eveil (French)
..mes sens restent en eveil
Latest Episode: Face à l’adversité, à l’épreuve, à la déception, on a tendance à accuser les autres et à tenir les autres responsables de notre échec. Etre déçu dans la vie ou en amour ne relève pas de l’extraordinaire, mais plutôt du commun des mortels.
d) Voices and Echoes (Portuguese)
Uma plataforma de intercâmbio para jovens Africanos, e é um banco de recursos e soluções onde convidamos talentosos criadores, inovadores, critícos, entusiastas e sonhadores, para uma breve conversa, afim de partilharem suas histórias, trajectória e experiências de vida
Latest episode: Neste 56º episódio do "VOICES AND ECHOES PODCAST", tivemos o prazer de conversar com o Avelino Kiala. Director desportivo do FC Matilha, responsavél da pro desportos .